Yes, it has been a long while. I'll spare you boredom, and instead bestow glorious death metal. If you know me, you know I've been into metal for a while, but death/black/etc has only recently become an acquired taste.
So yes, listen to every Death album, since I had the same birthday as Chuck. Florida is THE place for prime death metal, even though I don't think I'll ever be able to seriously listen to Cannibal Corpse.
it's my favorite death metal album. I'd say right now. But Death really do rule. EVIIIIIIIIIIL..... DEAD!
Roger, the bassist, for Atheist, not Death, was tragically killed prior to recording. Definitely a talented guy, he really did have a panache for sweet-ass bass lines, fulfilled by Tony Choy, also of Cynic. There's a lot of entanglement.
However, it's not a straight death metal album, because, simply, the band's too good. Jazz, whatever, it's only rock and roll. Listen, or don't. You should buy a copy.
and buy a copy of the new Melvins album, or four, & give them to people you don't like.
with yr wrinkled ol pussy i cant be yr loverrrrrrr
(this is the re-issue, which includes really cool demos with Roger on bass, & true bass'n'drum tracks.)
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