Monday, May 11, 2009

Pebbles: Trash Box

 - Trash Box

For those of you that don't know, Pebbles is basically the cool cousin to Nuggets. Extremely obscure garage rock without a focus on musicianship per se, but definitely able to deliver a high number of stone classic tracks.

There's LSD ballyhoo, there's an ad for a wah-wah pedal, this is the ultimate in trash culture! Fashion a full-length epic around the gems of these 110 tracks. Not everything is amazing, and I'm still not hot on the idea of two Kim Fowley songs in a row, but 'The Trip' has grown on me. I even included it on my single-disc edit.

Compile your own, because this thing starts to peter out quality-wise, but it's a fun mood. Definitely good for drinking, or other medicinal apparitions.

Personal favorites include 'Green Fuz', 'Walking on Eggs', and a whole bunch of others. Also, 'I Fought the Law' is on here, the Bobby Fuller original. Awesome. A real good set.

Also, there's a French-sung 'Purple Haze'.


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