'Hell Paso', At the Drive-In's debut 7" is long out of print, but automatically the group's energy is on display. Though not as fascinating as their later material, this is definitely a key piece of their history. And "Grand Mox Turkin" is a Star Wars reference!

'¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo!' is where things warm up. Listen to the bass line in "Bradley Smith" and tell me that these wiry young punks are not full of righteous energy.

'Acrobatic Tenement' is At the Drive-In's first full length, and my personal favorite release of theirs. The production qualities only accentuate the phenomenal energy level maintained throughout. This is music full of catchy dynamics, and an intense level of emotion. Before 'Relationship of Command', At the Drive-In released this influential masterpiece.

'El Gran Orgo' continues down the path of 'Acrobatic Tenement' only slightly, while showing how the band's growth evidenced on 'in/CASINO/OUT' and 'Relationship of Command' was no fluke. Amazing.
better than the mars volta and sparta